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NOVEMBER 9th, 2018, 6pm
The Mall - Piazza Lina Bobardi - Milan

Artists' Estates and the Catalogue Raisonné
Talk - GrandArt Art Fair

NOVEMBER 9, 2018, 2.30pm
Museo del Novecento - Via G. Marconi, 1 - Milan

Economy and Management of the Arts and the Cultural Heritage
Lesson for students of the Master

OCTOBER 25, 26 AND 27, 2018
Fondazione Corrente, 5, Via Carlo Porta, Milan

Course for Artist's Archive Curator
for further information contact us:

SEPTEMBER 18th, 2018
Fondazione La Biennale di Venezia - Ca’ Giustinian  - San Marco 1364/a


AitArt, un’Associazione per gli Archivi d’Artista italiani
AitArt presents its aims and initiatives to the public of La Biennale

JUNE 2018

Artists' archives and estates: cultural memory between law and market
Release of the book which contains the Acts of the Congress held at the Bicocca University in november 2016.

FEBRUARY 1, 2 AND 3, 2018
GNAM - La Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea

Viale delle Belle Arti, 131 - Roma

Course for Artist's Archive Curator

© 2015 by AitArt- Associazione Italiana Archivi d'Artista

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