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The idea of creating a group and, therefore, an Association of Artists Archives, raises not only to confirm the importance, in the art world, of every single archive for both its cultural activities and influence in market, but also to promote shared principles and pursue common interests and practices.


The AitArt also provides consultancy services for


- establishment of new Archives

- organization of existing Archives

- digitalization of the Archive materials

- interpretation and applications of AitArt Ethical Principles

- legal, administrative and insurance matters

- relations with collectors

- organization od cultural activities: studies, researches, congresses, publications, exhibitions

- encouragement and support for studies and researches, also with scholarships and prizes

- relations with Museum and organizations, also international, depository of archives

- realtions with experts, critics, and in general, with the academic world - Universities and Academies

© 2015 by AitArt- Associazione Italiana Archivi d'Artista

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